Writing About Writing Wordle Ebooking

Writing About Writing Wordle Ebooking

The of the “primary continuity” started coming out at our in 2011.* The project took a while to complete, in between other work; and as sometimes happens in a prolonged release situation like this, thematically and in look-and-feel the covers aren’t very unified. Slowly it became obvious that something was going to have to be done about this.

As it happens, along the way — as part of an ongoing fascination with digital art — I started picking up tools that were going to make this process easier. And slowly (because the learning curve is kind of high on these tools and I also have other work to be doing) I started acquiring the expertise to use them effectively. So the process of updating the covers has begun. (Along with the business of grooming out any typos that have turned up / been reported in the texts, and updating the ebook “interiors” to more modern / better formatted versions.) People on my and elsewhere have occasionally inquired in a general way about what’s involved with this kind of work: so I thought I’d do a post about it. The first and more complex of the two tools is specifically, Terragen 3 at the moment (though I look forward to updating to T4 when I have the cash to spare.) Terragen is a cutting-edge landscape- and exteriors-production tool, widely used in the film and TV industries to produce both still work and animation. As an example, here’s the 100th anniversary Paramount film logo done using Terragen. The beautiful clouds and sky are something of a diagnostic: atmosphere work is one of the places where Terragen really shines.

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I’ve been playing around with Terragen for the guts of a decade now, working hard to keep up as its newer versions grow in complexity and power. It’s capable of producing really beautiful results if you know what you’re doing. (That being the tough part. It’s equally possible to spend truly staggering amounts of time running down blind alleys if you’re not careful. Looking for something different in Easter chocolate? How about Called “Eat My Face,” Bompas and Parr’s new project employs “the latest facial-scanning and 3D-printing technology” to create a mold of your comely visage, which is then used to cast an egg-shaped chocolate copy of your face. “The exclusive service is an epic interpretation of the season that makes conventional chocolate eggs pale by comparison,” the pair write on their site.

“We will create a positive master mould of your face, which you can display at home, and a negative plastic mould which can be used to create further chocolate likenesses of yourself.”. This is such a cool thing. Some months back I had a nice email from Melissa Elliott, who’s the Senior Librarian in charge of Young Adult Services at the in southern California. (You know, as in “Beautiful Downtown Burbank.”) She was asking whether they could use a quote from one of the books (from, in fact) to decorate one of the walls in their new teen section. It was absolutely charming to be asked something like this, so naturally I gave my permission, and didn’t think much more about it. But this morning, I had another email from Melissa with pictures. It’s funny the impact it can suddenly make on you when something like this happens.

You find yourself thinking, “Wait. Somebody took something I said and painted it on a wall?

And not as graffiti? What planet is this?” Whatever: it’s a planet I like. I very much hope I have a chance to get out to LA some time in ’12, as I’d love to head over to Burbank and see it in person. (ETA: I didn’t even realize we had in the so if anyone wants one, feel free). My author’s copies of the new graphic novel arrived last week, so now I have some to give away as part of the celebrations surrounding the release of the (Which you might also like to look into if you know the book.

Or you can Also part of the celebration, for those interested: a very-limited-time-only 30% discount on Details are ) In any case: on to the giveaway! Driver Ibm 300gl Windows Xp. I’m going to mention this blog posting here and there over the next few days — on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr — and where you’ve seen it mentioned, you have a chance to win an autographed copy. I’ll be sending these out to three winners from each social network where the offer’s made. Here’s what to do to be in with a chance to win: If you’ve seen this mentioned on Twitter: The Twitter contest’s done.