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Author by: Gianni Dal Maso Language: en Publisher by: Springer Science & Business Media Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 53 Total Download: 533 File Size: 44,9 Mb Description: The last twentyfive years have seen an increasing interest for variational convergences and for their applications to different fields, like homogenization theory, phase transitions, singular perturbations, boundary value problems in wildly perturbed domains, approximation of variatonal problems, and non smooth analysis. Among variational convergences, De Giorgi's r-convergence plays a cen tral role for its compactness properties and for the large number of results concerning r -limits of integral functionals.
Moreover, almost all other varia tional convergences can be easily expressed in the language of r -convergence. This text originates from the notes of the courses on r -convergence held by the author in Trieste at the International School for Advanced Studies (S. ) during the academic years 19-87, 1990-91, and in Rome at the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (I. ) during the spring of 1987. This text is far from being a treatise on r -convergence and its appli cations. Author by: Giuseppe Conte Language: en Publisher by: Springer Science & Business Media Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 36 Total Download: 960 File Size: 46,5 Mb Description: The University of Genoa - Ohio State University Joint Conference on New Trends in Systems Theory was held at the Badia di S.