Hooverphonic The President Of The Lsd Golf Club Rare
With a title like THE PRESIDENT OF THE LSD GOLF CLUB, you'd hope for something psychedelic, possibly surreal from Hooverphonic, and what we get is good, but more of a throwback to their trip-hop roots (with a new shade of shoegazing, for extra flavor). 'Stranger,' for instance, has a woozy warmth that eschews the pop of their earlier albums, while the spoken word on '50 Watt' has a slightly different texture than what has come before (even if it slips back into synth-pop for the chorus). There's a bit of rock growl on 'Expedition Impossible,' as well, and the romance of 'Circles' and 'Billie.' There are definite missteps too: 'The Eclipse Song' puts a harpsichord in service of a middling-rock track. But the dreaminess of 'Black Marble Tiles' drowns out the naffness elsewhere, thankfully. It's time to tee up and take another tab. The new CD of Hooverphonic.

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The President of the LSD Golf Club is the sixth studio album album by the Belgian band Hooverphonic. As announced, it has become a great piece of work.
Hooverphonic starts to sound mature, capable of filling the international scene of trip-hop. The first number 'Stranger' is a strong melodic song, incorporating a great intimistic piano solo. '50 Watt' starts with a nice bass sound (thanks Alex!) and has a nice beat throughout the song. 'Expedition Impossible' on the other hand is stronger and somewhat more aggressive - with an old fashion guitar sound in the background and a 'hoover' like organ.
'Circles' does remind me of Siouxie & the Banshees. 'Gentle Storm' is next and does hit my strings, also. 'The Eclipse Song' is a mix of 'I do not know what', but sounds a bit Beatle-ish, thus not too surprising. Which is not the case for 'Billie'. A great intro, again nice bass lines and that beautiful voice of Geike Arnaert. Download Lagu Rock Alternative Barat Terbaik. Followed by 'Back Marble Tiles', more psychedelic, again with an intimate sound, relaxed and easy, which is also the case of 'Strictly Out of Phase' (with quite a lot of minor and sus b-mol keys). The last song is 'Bohemian Laughter' and is again more aggressive, without leaving the psychedelic touch of the whole album.