Galanti Guitar Serial Number
The Galanti Company had been making high-quality accordions since around 1900 and was successfully exporting them for sale in the USA. In the 1920s the accordion was an exotic, expensive vaudeville instrument but it soon became a mass-market product with the peak of its popularity in the 1950s, exemplified by Lawrence Welk and Dick Contino. But then came the Beatles they almost single-handedly ignited the frenzied guitar craze of the 1960’s. Bye bye accordion So in Italy, several accordion manufacturers jumped into the guitar boom with highly designed, european-styled guitar models. But this Galanti Grand Prix is without a doubt the best of the bunch.
Collection of vintage Goya guitars and related information. Download Cartoon War 2 Offline Mod Apk here. Office Suite Font Pack Cracked Apk. Galanti Electro Music was an accordion and guitar manufacturer from 1917 until the late 1970s.

Head and shoulders above the rest. Galanti and Bro. Set up an office in Ridgefield, New Jersey, and in the summer of 1965 ran full color ads featuring three wildly new Galanti designs, two guitars and a bass. The ad ran in Music Trades magazine. ’65 was the high-water mark for electric guitar demand, and Galanti was attempting to ride the wave.
But demand in the late ’60s began to slow and these guitars went the way of the dinosaur. Nonetheless, Italian designers created some of the coolest, most playable guitars outside of the U.S.