French Frogs
One of the popular story regarding the origin of the name states that there were frogs on the French flag at one time, which is before the adoption of the Fleurs de Lis. The French were called Frogs a very long time ago because, as the story goes, they sounded like frogs to the people who encountered them. The French men were said to. Realtek 11n Usb Wireless Lan Utility Driver Ubuntu Phone.
Brewer, in his Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, claims that the term originated for Parisians (later extended to the French, in general) because an early heraldic device for Paris contained three frogs or toads (possibly in allusion to their drained swamp?). I cannot find direct corroboration for Brewer, but I have been able to find several references to frogs appearing on late medieval French arms, either those of the king or those of the nation or those of the city of Paris. However, Evan Morris, author of does not even consider Brewer's tale worthy of direct acknowledgement. He holds in that 'frog' was a general-purpose insult that arose in the 1300s (he notes Dutch and Jesuits--mentioned in earlier posts--being so slandered) and was only settled upon the French during the Napoleanic era (with the frog-legs idea and the Paris coat-of-arms both tacked on as rationalizations). Well some good thoughts but this is the truth The french actually adopted this heritage from their history. Yes they arose from the Marshes of france from three different clans. If you look into the six centuary The french bore arms and shields and flags displaying the three french frogs clearly on it.

(you can google it) And infact during Napoleans rule after the revoloution they set something up called democracy. And they call it three things. Democracy was born from the french. And is what america pushes on the world and infact the three things democracy stands for is. Liberty equality and fraternity. Airtel Friendship Song Tamil Mp3 Download. Which was written on the statue of liberty given to USA by the french.
Anybody that is from France. An icon in Eugene, Oregon that makes his living selling homemade joke books to students on East 13th next to the University of Oregon. Rough Translation: Original French: Did you know that French people everywhere in the world are named frogs? Vibe Confessions Rapidshare Downloader here. You must have heard it, of course; frogs.
And also Napolean hand a motto which he had on posters and flags explaining this new ideal. This is why the French (frogs) and Britian do not get along britian has it monarchs and the french killed theirs to establish its democracy and its spreading of.the three frog like sprits. Know where this stems from. The bible!!!! The bible talks about three frog like spirits spreading over the earth which is democracy!!!!
And explains how problematic it is and the corruption which comes from it and also talks about its spreading and push on the earth before christs return. See the upheavel and the toppling of dictators and the wanting for democracy in the world on the tv of late. Look into it you will find your answers why the french are called frogs and what they have put on this earth.
If your interested look up this link or look up the bible magazine online there is a good section on french history just after christs death through napolean and the revolution and today. Why are the French called 'Frogs'? You ask most Englishmen (or women) and the likely answer would be because they like to eat the legs of frogs. It doesn't sound very convincing to me but, as far as I know, there's never been a voluminous disagreement from the French so the moniker has stuck, even though frogs aren't particularly 'cute' or friendly. The same with the return of 'Le rosbif'; it's a large, slow, dumb animal that farts a lot but is rather useful when dead. Why should the British/French accept the portraits?
It's small fry in comparison with the history between the two countries. Yes, I am a bit of a Francophile. My bad 16th centuary typo Clovis 1st or Chlodowech (Latin Chlodovechus), was the first king of the Franks to unite all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler, changing the form of leadership from a group of royal chieftains to rule by a single king and ensuring that the kingship was passed down to his heirs. He was also the first Christian king to rule Gaul, known today as France.