Driver Leica Ts02 Windows 7

Driver Leica Ts02 Windows 7

Leica DFC Camera Release Notes Part Number 12879039 Page 5 of 15. Windows 7 systems. Drivers for these older cameras with firmware v1.8 are only supported in this. Sep 20, 2010 windows 7 vs Leica RX1250 Drivers - myhome. We had a couple of laptops 'die' recently, so when I replaced them they came with Windows 7. Support Downloads Support Downloads: Browse Leica Cyclone, CloudWorx and TruView Global Software downloads, license information, plant movies, plant tutorials, and a.

Forgive me if you've already gone through all this, but computer troubleshooting is best done as a step by step process. I would concentrate on the change of OS being the cause of your problem, as that is what has changed.:) So first thing first, is your copy of windows 7 the 32 or 64 bit version? Once you know that, did you in fact install the correct 32 or 64 bit version of Mobile Device Center? The next dumb question to ask is are you trying to connect via bluetooth, and do your laptops come with bluetooth antennae installed?

(Fewer new laptops have Bluetooth, believe it or not.) Are you using a USB bluetooth dongle in your laptop, and may need to update the drivers for that dongle for Win 7? Are there any baud rate, bit stop and parity settings that need to be checked? The mobile device center is really no different from activesync - it should work.

Cara Install Windows 7 Bajakan Menjadi Asli. It is possible to have com conflicts between certain mobile device softwares that are trying to use the ports (whether they are usb, bluetooth or the old style COM's). So be sure only the Mobile device center has access to the port you're trying to connect through.

After that, confirm with Leica that they have updated their drivers for both the 32 and 64 bit versions of windows 7. To me, this is not as likely to be the source of the problem, as Leica (I believe) uses windows utilities to connect mobile devices to PC's. If you still can't get anything to work, there may be other workarounds. Does your rx1250 have wi-fi? Do you have wi-fi at your office? If so, set up a shared folder on your network to contain your downloads, and simply transfer the data from the collector to the network through the wifi connection. Or, if you have a 3g or 4g connection for your rx1250 you could set up a VPN and download your data from the field directly to the office while you're driving home from the site!

Or even email yourself the data. Anyway good luck and sorry about the novel.