Burnt Friedman & The Nu Dub Players Rar
Two artists who hail from totally different worlds have channeled their sublime creative synergy into a new EP. The four tracks comprising YEK – which will come out on – resulted from collaborations between and. The two producers stylistically met in the middle to yield the effort, with Mortazavi’s rich instrumentals softening Friedman’s avant-garde soundscapes.

Device Driver Has Corrupted The Executive Memory Pool. BURNT FRIEDMAN was born in Coburg, Germany in 1965 and has lived in Berlin since 2009. After initially being a student of art in Kassel in northern Germany, Burnt. About Burnt Friedman One-half of space jazz duo Flanger and head of Nonplace Records, Burnt Friedman has lent his ear to several projects under various aliases. Recording under the name Drone in the early '90s for Kim Cascone's now-legendary Silent imprint, Friedman formed Flanger in 1997 with Atom Heart.
Each of the four singles stand on their own conceptual merit and both artists’ contributions seem equally necessary to the EP’s singular statement. The below montage contains clips of Friedman and Mortazavi performing tracks from YEK and has also been uploaded to Nonplace’s YouTube channel ahead of the EP’s release. Cut from the Same Cloth Burnt Friedman and Mohammad Reza Mortazavi share one thing in common: Both artists added exotic instruments into their repertoire from an early age. Where the former artist has sampled vibraphones, melodicas and kalimbas, however, the latter’s brand of world music is largely centered around the Persian tombak. In July, Friedman released an EP titled via that was inspired by a 2016 book of the same name.
The following month, he also of ‘s “Microcosmoism” that appeared on the EP Range of Regularity Remixes 2. YEK by Burnt Friedman and Mohammad Reza Mortazavi arrives by way of Nonplace November 3rd.
Boomkat Product Review: Burnt Friedman in mystic drummer mode for Marionette Records, following suit from their ace Kilchhofer release with a batch of archival recordings shaped as a concept record about Near Death Experiences, transcendence, featuring guest input from longterm collaborators Joseph Suchy and Hayden Chisholm “Marionette’s fifth installment sees Burnt Friedman channeling some sinister, mystical rhythms. As if a djinn were mapping out a higher order logic map. This is some visionary work that is riddled with contradicting non-human concepts, brought to life with geometry and intuition. ‘Dead Saints Chronicles’ is an ode to drawing fascination from Near Death Experiences (NDEs).
The title for the EP is inspired from a book written by David Solomon and Antony West, involving sifting through thousands of recorded NDEs, a process similar to that which Friedman used to revive pieces from his archive of DAT tapes. Boomkat Product Review: Burnt Friedman in mystic drummer mode for Marionette Records, following suit from their ace Kilchhofer release with a batch of archival recordings shaped as a concept record about Near Death Experiences, transcendence, featuring guest input from longterm collaborators Joseph Suchy and Hayden Chisholm “Marionette’s fifth installment sees Burnt Friedman channeling some sinister, mystical rhythms. As if a djinn were mapping out a higher order logic map. This is some visionary work that is riddled with contradicting non-human concepts, brought to life with geometry and intuition. ‘Dead Saints Chronicles’ is an ode to drawing fascination from Near Death Experiences (NDEs). The title for the EP is inspired from a book written by David Solomon and Antony West, involving sifting through thousands of recorded NDEs, a process similar to that which Friedman used to revive pieces from his archive of DAT tapes. Payment Security We take the security of our website and of your transactions extremely seriously.