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有沒有人把噴射機的渦輪機拿來散熱用的(殲20?), 那噪音與散熱力一定同時很高. MySQL跟ACCESS差別 net use 設定名稱. 中共在西沙 Paracels 永興島 Woody Island 部署紅旗 -9 )防空導彈、殲 -11 ). 這是中國大陸反介入與拒止 anti access and area denial. The Chengdu J-10 (simplified Chinese: 歼-10; traditional Chinese: 殲-10; NATO reporting name: Firebird) is a lightweight multirole fighter aircraft capable of all-weather operation, configured with a delta wing and canard design, with fly-by-wire flight controls, and produced by the People's Republic of China's Chengdu.

“ Beforehand, reports about the test flight of the jet, which could potentially evade detection by foes, in the southwest Chinese city of Chengdu had been widely circulated on Chinese Internet blogs and online news sites. They showed pictures of a fighter plane in flight and some offered what were cast as running accounts of the J-20 stealth jet fighter taking off after midday for a short flight from an airport in Chengdu.

The website of the Global Times, a popular newspaper owned by the People’s Daily, the ruling Communist Party’s main paper, featured a brief report headlined: “J-20 first flight successful”. It published a link to what it said were pictures of the flight ()” Source: WSJ – By JEREMY PAGE And JULIAN E. BARNES China’s first test flight of its stealth fighter Tuesday overshadowed a mission to China by U.S.

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Defense Secretary Robert Gates to repair frayed military relations, and prompted concern about whether President Hu Jintao and the civilian leadership are fully in control of the increasingly powerful armed forces. Officials said that President Hu appeared to be taken by surprise when Mr.

Gates asked him about the test flight during a meeting, hours after pictures and accounts of it began appearing online. Analysts said that would be an embarrassment for China’s top leader—who in theory controls the military as chairman of the Central Military Commission—just as Chinese officials anxiously try to make sure Mr. Hu’s planned trip to the U.S. Next week goes smoothly. If the military deliberately kept Mr. Hu in the dark, that would reinforce concerns that hawkish elements in the military are increasingly driving China’s foreign policy—including ties with the U.S.—and that they are trying to enhance their power in China’s domestic politics ahead of a leadership transition next year.

“It was clear the civilian leadership was uninformed” of the J-20 test, said a senior U.S. Download Gratis Ebook Dale Carnegie Bahasa Indonesia Ke. Defense official after the meeting between Mr. Gates and Mr. Hu The J-20, which has been conducting runway tests for the past several weeks, took off from an airstrip at the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute just before 1 p.m.

Local time and flew for about 15 minutes, according to Chinese bloggers. Bloggers also posted video and still images of the sleek, dark-gray, twin-engine plane—which looks similar to the U.S.

F-22, the world’s only fully operational stealth fighter—taking off and in flight in slightly hazy skies over a built-up area surrounding the airfield. Military aviation experts say the images suggest that China is making faster-than-expected progress in developing a potential rival to the F-22 and the Russian T-50 which made its first test flight last year Mr. Hu’s apparent lack of information is likely to fuel international concern that he and the other eight civilians who make up the Party’s Politburo Standing Committee—China’s top decision-making body—are losing some of their control over the PLA. “It suggests worrying levels of assertiveness and defiance of civilian leadership within the PLA,” said Rory Medcalf, director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney. “This revelation confirms that the PLA is willing to take provocative, assertive steps regardless of diplomatic priorities—perhaps even in deliberate opposition to them.” But after two decades of rapid military modernization, many Western and Chinese analysts say some factions within the PLA are pushing a hard-line agenda, which is having increasing impact on decision making in Beijing, especially in the run-up to the party leadership change in 2012. While opinions aren’t uniform within the military, some analysts speculate that nationalist generals are now feeling their power, as they’re courted by prospective members of the incoming ruling elite, and are using that as leverage to influence foreign policy.